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Weight Loss and Maintenance

Weight loss based on psychiatry is different. It's not a shot or pill for a few months followed by gradually gaining the weight back.  You're not going to stand on a scale in the middle of a fitness center while a fitness model applauds your 2 pound weight loss in front of the world. You aren't left wondering if it's really "something else" causing the weight gain.  


While obesity itself is not a mental health disorder, it absolutely can be both a symptom and cause of mental health disorders. The following correlate mental health and weight gain:


  1. Emotional Factors: Emotional distress, such as depression or anxiety, can lead to overeating as a coping mechanism, which may contribute to the development of obesity.

  2. Eating Disorders: Conditions like binge eating disorder, where individuals consume large amounts of food in a short period, are linked with obesity. This relationship highlights the importance of addressing mental health in treating obesity.

  3. Psychological Impact: Being obese can lead to psychological distress, including low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and social stigma, which can affect mental health.

  4. Lifestyle Factors: Mental health conditions can impact lifestyle choices, such as physical activity levels and dietary habits, which in turn influence weight.

  5. Medications: Certain medications such as SSRIs (antidepressants), antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and antihypertensives can cause significant weight gain.

Powerful Start, Lasting Results

Most patients are good candidates for a GLP-1 agonist, such as semaglutide or tirzepatide. These medications help stimulate insulin production and increase feelings of fullness.  They produce excellent weight loss results with minimal lifestyle changes. Patients can expect to lose about 1-2 lbs a week or about 15% total body fat.  Medspas dole these injections out in droves - and shortly after discontinuing, most people have regained the weight. 


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